This statement sets out what information is gathered through this website and how we use and protect them.
What we collect
We may collect the following information from you:
- Browsing history
What we do with this information
I collect this information you willingly provide for the following reasons:
- keep records for statistic purposes
This information is safe and we do not rent, sell or make them available to third parties. We hate spam, but if you feel uncomfortable you can ask us to remove your data from our records anytime.
How we use cookies
Cookies are small files which ask permission to be placed in your computer. Our website and/or some additional plugins, such as analytics and rating system may use cookies for statistical or functional purposes. We use the information we get from these systems, which do not reveal your identity, to improve user experience and services we provide.
Third party Links
This website contains links to external websites. We do not have any control over the content and their policies and we are not responsible for them. These terms and policy are not valid when you leave this website.
This privacy policy is subject to change.
Last Update: February 2016